Friday, January 14, 2022

52 Ancestors 2021: Week 50: Lines

I think I'll use this topic to talk about one of my favorite things to do... fishing. I grew up fishing with my Dad primarily but sometimes my Mom would come fishing as well. When I was born, the favorite fishing spot was my Great-Grandpa's lake in Geneva. As I got a little older, we'd fish in a lake out at my cousin's in Hebbardsville. 

Then when I got into my teen years, we'd either fish at Pepaw's (Howard Yates) or at Paul Windhaus' lake. Memorial Day and Labor Day, we'd take holiday and go fishing down at Lake Malone where my Granddad Glen had a wonderful lake house (unfortunately we had to sell at the start of 2021 because of his passing in August 2020.) 

These are really old. I believe this was the summer of 1995. I turned 2 on February 12th, 1995. This is out fishing at my Great-Grandpa's lake with my Dad. I caught my first little fish. That's my Dad's old 1962 Chevy pickup in the photo with us. I got these off of a disposable camera in the summer of 2020 that had never been developed. It was a real treat to finally see these photographs. Unfortunately, some photographs were so dark/distorted, they were ruined. 

Here's a good one from ten+ years ago of Dad and his catfish haul down at Lake Malone. Granddad and Dad would set limb lines and jugs the night before and check them the next morning. They had great success doing that and we had a many fish fry.

Old photo I took back in 2008 of some bluegill I caught at a friends lake. I think Dad caught a few giant catfish that day, but I can't find the photo of those bad boys.

A nice bass my Dad got my Mom several years ago. My Mom's favorite fish to eat is bass and she loves it fiddler style!

This is back in like 2007 or 2008, I think, Mom got her some decent fish at a friends lake. That was a trip I didn't go on with Mom and Dad. I think I was at Grandma and Grandpa's.  

This was June of 2020 - went fishing with my now ex best guy friend down at the Riverfront. Well. I didn't fish - he did. Those storm clouds rolling in, ended up getting us wet, lol.

A few days later - went fishing with him and his brother at Audubon Lake. It was such a nice day out. Usually I avoid the summer days like these because the bees are out in full force (I'm allergic) but surprisingly, we didn't see a single bee! Not a single wasp! I was floored.

Newest photo of me the last time I went fishing - September 2020 at Lake Malone with my then best guy friend. Dad took the photo from up on the porch. Not the most flattering photo of myself but it was one of the last times I truly, utterly, and blissfully happy. 

See, I have a thing for trying to take broken people (my now ex best guy friend) and fixing them in the way I wish someone would fix me, and in the process, they break me even worse than I was already broken. That's not what this blog is about, though. 

Hopefully I can sink a line in the water in 2022. We don't have many places to fish now, though. We lost the lake house, no reason to go to Lake Malone anymore. Audubon Lake is dry as a bone while they fix things at the State Park. Dad doesn't like fishing in the river, can't say I blame him since he won't eat anything out of that contaminated cesspool. 

Hope y'all get to do some fishing in 2022, too!

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