Sunday, November 21, 2021

52 Ancestors 21: Week 35: School

I don't really have any teachers or principals in my direct ancestor line -- but I do have relatives who have become teachers and professors. Namely, my Granduncle Charles was a university professor back in the day. He's been retired for a number of years now. He's 88 years old now and still kicking. I was lurking Ancestry yearbooks one time and found a couple of him when he was teaching in various places - namely Cincinnati. I loved seeing them. I have to share one with you!

He even signed their yearbook! He was teaching Spanish/Latin back then. But I know he's taught a many of subjects over the years. His last job, before retiring, was teaching G.E.D. classes at our small community college here in Henderson, Kentucky. He retired from that in the early 2000's. 

My Mom and I have a cousin named Diane who was a teacher for many years here at Henderson County High School - she taught a number of things from Typing I and II to business math, and even business law. Chances are if you went to county high in the 1970's, 80's, or 90's -- you had Mrs. Hughes. 

I also have a Grandaunt who was a teacher's aide for a number of years. I think at some point she might have taught science at the middle school, too, but, I'm not 100% sure. 

As for my direct ancestors - none of them really got much in the way of education. My Dad has a G.E.D, my Mom got some college education. Out of my Grandparents - only one graduated high school and that was my Grandma Glynda. 

For my Great-Grandparents - I know my Great-Grandma Lorene (LaRue) Blanford graduated Corydon High School in 1932 I believe. I think my Great-Grandma Anna (Thompson) Sandefur might have graduated Smith Mills High but I haven't found a yearbook to confirm it yet. 

Most of my ancestors quit school early because they got married and started raising kids or the men had to quit school and start working on the farm. That's why my Grandpa Jady quit school in the sixth grade. 

I wish I had more to write about - I know I've written before about how my Great-Great-Grandparents sold some land to the school board for the new Niagara Elementary School. Aside from that - I don't think any schools sit on my ancestors' land or any gave land for schools besides them. 

For my own feelings when it comes to school - I'm not a fan. I'm an outspoken advocate for homeschooling. I believe today's public school is full of indoctrination. They no longer teach your children how to think for themselves; they control 100% of what your children are learning. They teach them exactly what to think and if you don't fall in line, you're labeled 'unfit.' You're labeled 'different,' and different no longer is a good thing. They want your children to be cookie cutter robots with no ounce of individualism or individual thinking. Essentially, they want your children to be 'we are borg' from Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Believe it or not - my Uncle Charles and my 'Granny' for all intents and purposes (one of my biggest supporters in my genealogy and a loyal reader of my blogs) believe and feel the same way I do about public schooling. Both retired teachers, both have seen the indoctrination from the inside and the outside. 

Anyway - I wish I had more to type up and report about for the 'school' topic but I truly don't. As always, thank you for reading - it means a lot!

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